1. Use your active listening skills and watch out for those door slammers.
2. Talk often with your teen to bring out positive opinions, ideas, and behaviors by using an affirmative tone and body language.
3. Treat your teenager with the same respect you would have them treat you. Say 'hi', 'I love you', 'how was your day', etc.
4. Your tone of voice is extremely important. Yelling simply doesn't work. The loud noise will shut down the listener (your teen) and you will not get through. If you feel the need to yell, 'time out' of the conversation until you have better control.
5. Be precise and detailed about what you expect. Write it down and use an Action Plan if you feel there is a need.
6. If you're giving your teenager instructions, write them down. It's a fail-safe for teens and adults. This way they will remember what they are expected to do and you can feel sure that you 'told' them correctly. Remember, to-do lists will keep you stress free.
7. Do things together one-on-one and with the whole family. Good times often bring about great conversations, and wonderful memories.
8. 'Do as I say, not as I do' doesn't work. Modeling is the best way of learning. You are your teenager's model and they will emulate your behaviors.
9. Never shut your teen out to show that you disapprove of their behavior. If you need time before you can talk to them about something that has upset you, tell them that you need time. Don't walk away silent.
10. "Because I said so" actually works when you are being pulled into a power struggle in discipline situations. You are the parent, and because of this, you do have the final say. Teenagers know this and trust you because of it. But do try to explain your reasoning whenever possible.
While many parents feel it is close to impossible to have a conversation with their teenager, there are ways. Your child really isn't becoming a new special breed of alien. They're just growing up and they still do want to connect with you. Try these tips to get, and keep, the conversation rolling in your home.
Post by Goh
1 comment:
Hi Goh and Lai,
I like all your posts. They're very good in terms of the message that you're trying to send across. But please write what you personally feel about what you have posted. I would like to read your feelings and I'm sure your would readers agree with me.
Puan K.
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