Far and away our best seller, E-Z QUIT, has already helped hundreds of thousands of smokers for over 15 years. E-Z QUIT is a smokeless cigarette substitute that fills your need to do something with your hands and mouth, and to inhale deeply. Use E-Z QUIT by itself or together with any other quit smoking method.
One Step at a Time is a filtering system that allows you to gradually filter and remove up to 90% of the nicotine and tar in cigarettes. Four filters are in the system. Each filter removes progressively more nicotine and tar from your cigarettes. Quit one step at a time!
Super Stop cigarette filters help cut tar and nicotine without cutting cigarette taste. For smokers who aren't quite ready to quit, but who want to reduce tar and nicotine.
Aquafilters use wet filtration to remove tar and nicotine from cigarette smoke. Scientific research confirms that wet filtration is the most effective method to remove the tar and nicotine from cigarette smoke.
Simply Quit simulated cigarette gives you something to puff on instead of real cigarettes. Contains no drugs, no nicotine, but has simulated tobacco flavor.
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