Tuesday, August 5, 2008

cultural intellingence (CI)

Based on the class discussion on cultural intellingence, do you think that you have CI? give reason.

cultural phenomenon is very influential and common among the community. I think every one have a cultural intellingence (CI).undestanding culture is not an easy because there are many complcated.

many races in Malaysia they are Malay, India, chinese and so on, so we advantage to learn about races cultural. as a Malaysian we have the opportunity to become CI person so i think i have CI.

CI is very important in constructing social relationship because it can give benefit to us when we know some background culture likes language,custom , behavior, belief and so on.

post by Peik Hwa

1 comment:

Kem said...

That's very enlightening P Hwa. We are lucky to be able to learn about different cultures and customs in our own country, right in our own neighborhood. This should make us more understanding and tolerant towards each other, don't you think?

Puan K.